Our Curriculum Overview

At Brierley CE Primary School we offer a wide and varied curriculum which inspires children’s curiosity and enthusiasm to learn.

We are determined that our curriculum will enable every child to succeed and have expectations which are aspirational.

At the heart of our curriculum lies our Christian values which underpin all of our teaching and learning. We aim to teach our children that we are valued equally as part of God’s loving family.

We use the Read Write Inc Phonics programme to develop the early stages of reading in our Foundation and Key Stage One classes.  We continue with a structured approach in all year groups in order for children to develop  a life long  love of reading.

We aim to provide stimulating opportunities which allow children to discover and learn in a supportive, nurturing environment in order for them to feel confident and prepared to take on new challenges. 

We care about what our children think and say and we encourage all pupils to have a voice and know that they are valued as individuals.

We create a sense of respect, tolerance and understanding of difference and diversity.

We embrace our local community and the wider world around us and seek to make a positive contribution and have have achieved a variety of awards including Arts Mark Gold, Communication Friendly, Sport England, Team Activ, Healthy settings for Barnsley and Investors in People.

We are continuously developing our curriculum to ensure children benefit from a variety of opportunities to enrich their learning. 

We want our children to continue their journey as well-prepared, courageous and determined individuals who are proud to belong to our Brierley family.



If you would like to find out more about our curriculum please contact us by calling 01226 711332 or emailing office@brierleyschool.com


Our curriculum policy can be found by clicking the link below. 

Individual subject policies are currently under review and will be published shortly. 

For further information please click the links below to direct you to our individual curriculum subjects. 


To see what each class is learning this term, please go to 'Classes' and click on your child's year group.


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