Class White- Year 4 2024 - 2025

Mrs Beck

Mr Gray

Mrs Sapey


Mr Gray, Mrs Beck and Mrs Sapey would like to welcome you to Class White. We are looking forward to getting to know you all and working alongside you and your children during the year.



Our priority is that your children are happy and safe at school and that they thrive here at Brierley and we will do our very best to ensure that their experiences in Class White are positive, happy ones.

 Welcome sign Class White.jpg

Year 4 will be a year full of learning new and exciting things which we hope your children will all enjoy.

We will be working hard to learn our times tables in Year 4 as they help us in lots of other areas of maths. We will learn all about them in our daily times tables lessons and ask that your children also practise at home.

Reading is a vital part of learning in Class White as it opens doors for children to learn in other curriculum areas. Your child will read every day at school and be read to by an adult. They will also be given opportunities to access the class and school libraries to develop their love of reading. 

We also acknowledge the importance of building positive relationships with parents / carers. If you have any questions or queries at any time, please ask any of the staff in Class White and we will do our very best to help in any way we can.

Finally, we would all like to wish the children lots of luck as they begin their new adventutres in Class White.

May they shine bright and be happy, independent learners who achieve their very best.

Mr Gray, Mrs Beck and Mrs Sapey



Please click on the files folder below to see the letter to parents so that you can look at our learning for this half term.


Our class text is for the first half term will be Charlotte's Web by E.B White. The children will be writing character descriptions linked to the text.

                                                      English display Class White.jpg

Class White has a library area where the children are encouraged to access texts of different types to develop their love of reading. The library contains books linked to the topics and authors being studied. We also have a weekly book club where we read and discuss a text. 

                                                     Library display Class White.jpg





Our topic for this half term is The Human Body. The children will be learning about digestion and the digestive system, the functions of different teeth and the importance of vitamins and minerals in our food.

                                                        Science display Class White.jpg





 In Geography we are learning about spatial awareness, looking the identifying lines of latitude and longitude, using four digit grid references and learning about the local area and how it has changed.

                                                 Geography display Class White.jpg




 We are learning about Ancient Greece in History this half term, looking at the differrent city states, The Persian Wars and Greek Myths and Gods.

                                               History display Class White.jpg




Our RE lessons are all about The Creation and answering the burning question " What do Christians learn from the creation story?"

The Christian Value for this half term is Trust. 

RE display Class White.jpg     Christian Value display Class White.jpg




In Maths lessons we are learning about addition and subtraction alongside learning our times tables. 

                                        Maths display Class White.jpg



The children are allocated to a house (St. Paul, St. Peter, St. Luke and St. Mary). When they do something in class or around school that staff feel should be rewarded, they give the children a house point. This is placed in a house points box in the corridor and logged in the classroom so that we can keep a track on how many house points they have earned. The winning house at the end of the term receives a special treat. 

                                                               House points corner Class White.jpg

We are also using Class Dojo to reward the children and encouragr good behaviour and learning.



In Class White we encourage the children to respect others and to show outstanding behaviour, as this makes for a happy and busy classroom environment. This is encouraged through the use of our traffic light system ( school behaviour policy).

                                                          Traffic light display Class White.jpg


Below are the end of year 4 expectations that we will be working towards throughout the year.


During the year will children will be preparing for the timestables check in June. This will be testing the children on all timestables. Here are some useful links to help build their confidence and speed.

TT Rockstars app

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