Home School Agreement

Brierley CE (VC) Primary School

At Brierley CE Primary School we aim to build a strong partnership between staff, parents and carers with the shared vision to help children achieve and enjoy learning. Our commitment is to the continuity and progression of your child’s education through an inclusive ethos where all children will be challenged in their thinking to achieve to the best of their abilities, raising their self-esteem and fulfilling their true potential socially, academically and spiritually.

Our Vision

Though we are many, we are one body.

Together, we learn and grow.

God is at the heart of all we do, shining His light to guide us on our journey.

Together, we face change and transformation with courage.

In love, we nurture all to be resilient, hopeful and aspirational; to become the very best version of ourselves, knowing that we are loved.

Each member of our school community is honoured and celebrated for our unique character and qualities: difference is met with dignity and compassion.

Though we are many, we are one body.

Our community at Brierley stretches beyond the school, where we share God’s message of love through our actions, our thoughts and our words as we continue on life’s path.

Brierley School agrees to:

  • Provide a safe, secure and caring learning environment.
  • Teach and encourage the children to do their best and achieve their full potential as a valued member of the school community.
  • Develop in each child positive values and a caring attitude, upholding British values and our Christian ethos of endurance, trust, forgiveness, peace, respect and thankfulness.
  • Provide a balanced curriculum of the highest quality and meet the individual needs of every child.
  • Set regular homework and to mark it if appropriate.
  • Inform children and parents/carers what the teachers aim to teach the children each term.
  • Be welcoming and offer opportunities for parents/carers to become involved in the daily life of the school.
  • Contact parents/carers as soon as concerns are raised about your child’s work, behaviour, attendance or punctuality.
  • Have a clear and consistent approach to rewards and sanctions for children as set out in the Behaviour Policy.
  • Communicate between home and school through newsletters, website and meetings. 

Our parents and carers agree to;

  • See that my child attends school regularly, is punctual and properly equipped and ready to learn.
  • Inform the school on the first day of absence.
  • Raise any concerns or problems that might affect my child’s ability to learn or behave appropriately.
  • Support the school to make sure my child maintains good behaviour.
  • Support my child with homework and other home learning opportunities and listen to my child read daily.
  • Attend parent meetings with the teacher to discuss and celebrate my child’s achievements and progress.
  • Support all staff in their efforts to create a caring community which values children and their rights.
  • Support the school in getting any help my child may need.
  • Read all letters that are sent home.
  • Inform the school immediately of any changes to parents/carer and emergency contacts details.
  • Ensure, where possible, that children follow our dress code.

Our children agree to;

  • Learn to the best of my ability.
  • Work hard and listen carefully to instructions.
  • Come to school regularly and on time.
  • Follow the school and class rules.
  • Behave well at all times to make school a safe and happy place to learn.
  • Be polite, friendly and helpful to other children and all adults.
  • Tell somebody if there is something I am not happy about.
  • Do my homework regularly and return it to school on time.
  • Talk at home about what I have learnt at school.
  • Bring all the equipment I need every day including my PE kit, book bag and reading books.
  • Take good care of the school environment.